- encephalopathy
- asterixis
- jaundice
- bruising
- fetor hepaticus
- muscle wasting
- clubbing (read more here)
2. High Estrogen states associated with liver disease, look for:
- palmar erythema
- spider nevi (these blanch)
- gynecomastia
- feminization of body hair
- testicular atrophy
3. For underlying clues as to the etiology of liver disease, look for:
- duputryen's contractures - alcohol
- keiser fleischer rings - Wilson's disease
- 'bronzed' complexion - iron overload syndromes (hemochromatosis)
- track marks - IV drug use, and perhaps underlying Hepatitis C.
- ascites and pedal edema (previously posted here and here)
- distended abdominal veins
- caput medusa
- splenomegaly
Below: duputrene's contracture, palmar erythema, and spider angioma